The high street is a hugely competitive place for retailers. Taking all visual merchandising into account, window displays are one of the most direct methods for attracting new customers.
We all know the saying don’t judge a book by its cover, and it exists because that’s exactly what we do. Rightly or wrongly, we are influenced by initial encounters, and those first impressions go a long way. The very same concept is at play when it comes to retail window displays, which is why they need to be carefully thought-out and impactful.
Printed Polystyrene Window Displays made by Luminati
Like you, retailers, up and down the high street, are battling for attention from passers-by. And, short of standing on the pavement to shout about your offering, your main asset to capture this interest is naturally going to be your shopfront. It should be at the forefront of your sales and marketing approach because it will enable you to do the following:
Engage new customers
Your target audience is going to range hugely on the high street. From people heading to work, with perhaps only moments to scan the window display on offer, to leisurely shoppers, with plenty of time to have a good look. Either way, you’ll need to spark their interest quickly to stand a chance of achieving engagement.
Your window display is often the first encounter a prospective customer will have with your business, and it’s the first step in their buying journey. So, needless to say, it must be a positive experience from the off.
A custom approach to your display, over a standard/budget setup, will allow you to create something truly captivating by harnessing leading techniques in the industry. Luminati, designers and manufacturers of retail display solutions, offer digital display and LED lighting to really make your window design shout, or custom-built displays from beautifully crafted materials, such as acrylic, wood or aluminium composite material (ACM), to showcase quality and emphasise your products.
An attractive display can be the difference between someone walking into your shop, or instead walking straight past.
Speak to your existing customers
Let’s not forget your existing customers: those who know what they want and trust your business to deliver this. However, that’s not to say your they won’t be distracted by a competitor on route to your shop.
For customers more familiar with your offering, a window display is an opportunity to showcase new collections, ranges or campaigns. If they’re already frequent buyers, then show them something new and interesting that they simply can’t miss.
You can also use your existing customer base to gain knowledge about demographics and behaviour – helping you to create a display that will appeal to your wider target audience.
Provide a talking point
Window displays allow you to platform your offering in a creative and fun way. It’s the stage, and your products are the stars. This unique form of advertising gives the consumer a better idea of what you’re about, and what they can get from you.
Remember, what you place in your window will naturally form the face of your shop and give your brand identity. Think about how you want to present yourself, and channel that as much as possible in your display.
The term “Disruptive displays” is gaining traction in the industry and uses ways in which displays and promotions intentionally disrupt the passer by. From subtle changes to large scale retail theatre – disruptive displays are a great approach.
Be memorable
While lots of people shop online these days, they are still hitting the high street for the essentials. This gives you an opportunity to advertise to them, even if they’re not looking to buy right now. Get your brand out there by creating an unforgettable display, and chances are they’ll remember you when they do need or want what you’ve got.
It’s worth noting that people still value the shopping experience too, despite the convenience of online shopping. This means a positive window display has the power to resonate with shoppers, enticing them in to try and buy.