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A lectern is a stand with a slanted top that is used to hold a microphone, book, or other materials while speaking, preaching, or performing in front of an audience. 

Lecterns from Luminati come in a variety of styles and sizes to suit different needs and settings. Some lecterns are portable and easy to transport, while others are more permanent and intended for use in a fixed location. 

Many of our lecterns have adjustable heights and angles to accommodate speakers of different heights and to ensure that the microphone and materials are positioned properly. Some lecterns also have built-in sound systems and other features, such as lighting and storage compartments. When shopping for a lectern, it’s important to consider the size of the audience, the intended use, and the available space to ensure that you choose the right lectern for your needs. Currently, the church lectern is our most popular product in this range. 

Browse our selection of lecterns to find the perfect one for your needs.

Customising your lectern:

  • Brand your lectern with your choice of graphics, engraving or printing.
  • Add custom ports or HDMI / USB sockets for additional communication.
  • Various sizes and styles are available, work with us to design your custom lectern.

Luminati offers a bespoke service so we can create the perfect lectern for you. The coloured acrylic panels in our Lectern allow for the appearance to be changed easily and for logos, text or imagery to be added. 

Call us on 01752 698720 to enquire about our bespoke service.

What type of lectern should I choose?

An acrylic or Perspex lectern is a perfect addition to any modern church, board room or lecture hall. Clear lecterns are used at corporate events and presentations as the transparency of the Lectern does not create a barrier between the speaker and the audience. The sleek modern design of our lecterns fits perfectly into many corporate or university settings.

Wooden Lecterns are a popular choice for more traditional churches or lecture halls. As well as floor-standing wood Lecterns we also sell a popular folding tabletop lectern which is easily portable and comes with a travel case.

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