If you’re a card retailer or planning on selling greeting cards then you will know that investing in a card display stand or card rack is the best way to make the most of your in-store space. Card displays provide an eye-catching and straightforward way to organise your cards.
The types of card displays that are available from Luminati are manufactured and designed by our exceptional in-house production team based in the UK. In this blog, we will help guide you through our varied range of card displays to make sure you invest in the right solution.
For a display that makes the most of its size, a spinner is your best choice. Combining a small footprint and multiple pockets to ensure you’re making the best use of your shop floor space.
Making the most of its size, the 48 face greeting card display spinner presents a large area for displaying a number of cards. This free-standing display unit has a base diameter of 560mm, so it is an excellent investment for retailers that are tight on space. You can choose what works best with your retail space, using the clip-on pockets which can be attached simply and quickly. The carousel design offers space-saving benefits as well as allowing comfortable browsing for each customer.
Manufactured in a tough acrylic to withstand the knocks and scratches in a busy retail environment makes this unit a perfect choice to revive your in-store display.
We don’t just manufacture our units out of acrylic, the wooden card or leaflet counter display stand is constructed with locally sourced, reclaimed wood for a rustic look. The 4 tiered wire rack within the display can hold both cards or leaflets, combined with its compact size this unit is perfect on a cashiers desk, persuading customers to make extra purchases as they checkout. The robust design is long-lasting and as such makes it perfect for visitor centres, shops, receptions areas and exhibitions.
Our larger double-sided wooden card display A-frame is a static free-standing unit using the same organic construction methods as the counter-top display. Combining both acrylic and birch plywood on the standard model of the unit but there are alternative finishes including; white-faced ply, bamboo wood or a darker oak-like effect. Further personalization can be applied to unit like adding a logo that can be printed to the top of the display for a completely corporate solution.
On top of both counter-top units and free-standing displays, we offer wall-mounted solutions – like the wall-mounted display rack – that take up zero floor space and as such make them perfect for tight retail areas. Made in clear acrylic throughout allows for the cards in the display to do the talking, up to 100 of them approximately. The display comes in two sizes, a 5 card pocket and a 7 card pocket which both feature clip-in pockets that make this display incredibly versatile allowing multiple different sizes of cards to be stored at the same time.
All the units mentioned in this blog can be made to order in custom sizing to ensure the display fits your requirements. However, for very specific requirements we do offer a Display Design Service which with the benefit of our in-house design team and production team give us the ability to provide a completely bespoke solution. Reflecting brand identity perfectly with printed logos, slogans and company colours if required.
Of course, if there are any questions, get in touch with our sales team on 01752 698720